Monday, 10 March 2025

Warbot III new and free in orders until 24th April plus news

Spring is upon us!  Yes, the winter is near done even in Scotland (some ruddy strong storms hit us as you might recall) and with it something a lot of wargamers have been looking forward to and marking on their calendars nears….the Spring Mega Event.  The event begins on Thursday 27th March 2025 and will have more than fifty new releases as well as the blanket discount across our huge array of ranges.  Full details when the time comes.

Advancing over scrub ground as a walker alongside the Star Mercs of the HOF 15mm Science Fiction Range.

Until 24th April 2025 the new AS031 Warbot III model is automatically put into every order shipped out from us. You need do nothing but place an order for anything which is physical (so no Digital Download only orders sorry), as many orders as you wish, of any value you want and you can also order Warbot III itself and you will still get one free included.  When we say free we mean it.  Auto in every package sent out.  

AS031 Warbot III:  This code contains all the parts to assemble one any scale use four legged robot armed with a missile pod and two rotary cannons.  A resin body and two sets of legs with two identical metal cannons. It is 40mm across and 25mm to tallest point. 

We will be pretty quiet for the next two weeks as we get ready for the Spring Mega Event and as always we thank you for your custom and support of an independent and family owned business.  This spring is going to be a 28mm, 15mm and 6mm blast!

Thanks for your Time.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

[NEWS] John Bear Ross Takes On More Work. Yay!

Howdy. John Bear Ross, here.
With gratitude, I wish to announce the acquisition of all digital work done for Rebel Miniatures.

HAMR Suits, Viper Suits, VTOLs, Megatanks, Animechs, and more. They are all now joining my inventory.

28mm rescales, 15mm sculpt updates, support upgrades, and incorporation of all work for cross-compatibility with my current ranges will now commence. There will be some re-organizing, and lots of uploading.

My thanks to Mike Renegar, Rebel Mike, for the opportunity.

It’s a lot to take on, but for those of you who backed the Rebel Minis Digital Direct Motorpool 2020 Kickstarter, the Viper Suit 2021 Kickstarter, or the ScorpionMech 2022 Kickstarter, I will work at cross-populating your already-purchased files over the next several months to MyMiniFactory.

If you’re not familiar with my current work, check out the links below for my stores on Cults3d, MyMinifactory, and my Patreon and Tribes subscription campaigns, which give you a rolling monthly 50% discount off my entire inventory.

If you’re not really a joiner, understandable. Just use LOWKEY20 for a 20% discount at checkout on Cults or MMF.

Expect some cool stuff!

John Bear Ross

PS, First up for release is going to be what I consider the flagship model of the last few years, the 28mm ScorpionMech, equipped with claws, gatlings, cannons, missiles, and even orbital assault belly thruster packs. Stay tuned.

ScorpionMech Instructions for free on PDF via WeTransfer